hollow point for rifle

  • Hi,

    I. have a .44 magnum lever action rifle that I use mainly for hunting, is it allowed to use hollow points for long guns? what I have found to be forbidden is to use it on handguns....

    Thanks all, and apologies for not posting in German.

  • Yes it is allowed, and as you can see many shops sell them.

    Like the leverevolution from Hornady.

    Ja, es ist erlaubt, und viele Geschäfte verkaufen solche, wie zb die Leverevolution von Hornady.

  • As far as i understand fedpol does classify .44 Magnum as a Handgun Cartridge, this makes all expanding bullets illegal, no matter what you intended platform is.

    You can find the Hollow Points and even some Soft Points in 44. Mag from most major manufacturers on the list of forbidden ammo types from fedpol.

    Even if you happen to have one of these ammo types from the old days, be warned as even the possession is illegal.

    If you want to use ,44 Mag JHP for hunting, the only possible way ist to get a special permit for the ammo and then find a dealer that is willing to import the ammo

    EDIT: In Fact, as fass90 said, the hornady Leverevolution is for sale at some dealers, maybe this is legal because it is specifically marketed for long guns... shooting it from a handgun however seems to be illegal, which sounds like a big grey area for me

    one other thing that might be interesting is black hills honey badger in .44 Mag because this ammo has a similar effect like a hollow point but the projectile stays intact and does not physically expand enough in ballistics gel to be illegal...

  • Die sind nur für Faustfeuerwaffen verboten.

    Art. 27 Munition für Faustfeuerwaffen mit Deformationswirkung oder hoher Pe-


    (Art. 6 WG)1

    1 Als Munition für Faustfeuerwaffen mit Deformationswirkung gilt eine Munition, bei

    der sich das Geschoss beim Testbeschuss auf 10 Meter in Glyzerinseife so defor-

    miert, dass:

    a. der Masseverlust bezogen auf die Nominalgrösse des Geschosses mehr als 5

    Prozent beträgt;

    b. der grösste Durchmesser nach dem Schuss grösser als der Nominaldurch-

    messer ist; und

    c. die Stauchung nach dem Schuss mehr als 10 Prozent der Geschosslänge vor

    dem Schuss beträgt.

    2 Als Munition für Faustfeuerwaffen mit hoher Penetrationsleistung gilt Munition, de-

    ren Geschoss eine Schutzplatte der Beschussklasse 4 bei einem senkrechten Be-

    schuss aus einer Distanz von mindestens 5 Metern und maximal 10 Metern durch-

    schlägt. Die Zentralstelle Waffen erlässt für die Prüfung erhöhter Penetrationsfähig-

    keit von Kurzwaffengeschossen eine technische Richtlinie.

  • EDIT: In Fact, as fass90 said, the hornady Leverevolution is for sale at some dealers, maybe this is legal because it is specifically marketed for long guns... shooting it from a handgun however seems to be illegal, which sounds like a big grey area for me

    one other thing that might be interesting is black hills honey badger in .44 Mag because this ammo has a similar effect like a hollow point but the projectile stays intact and does not physically expand enough in ballistics gel to be illegal...

    This type of bullets do not really expand when fired from a handgun.

    But it is forbidden to fire them using handguns.

    Anyway many other calibers intended to be fired from rifles have true HP bullets because they're used for hunting. (.223, 8x57,...)